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AOFIT Embraces CSR with BSCI Certification

We are thrilled to share some incredible news with you all! It's with immense pride and joy that AOFIT announces the launch of our highly anticipated Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) Report.

As we unveil this report, let us take a minute to reflect on how far we've gone and imagine the limitless possibilities that lay ahead.


The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a major organization dedicated to promoting business social responsibility (CSR) in supply chains worldwide. BSCI was founded in 2003 and is affiliated with the Foreign Trade Association (FTA). It promotes fair working conditions, environmental protection, and ethical business practices.

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Importance of BSCI Factory Audits

BSCI factory audits are critical for verifying that suppliers follow ethical standards and comply with labor laws and regulations. A BSCI audit demonstrates a company's commitment to human rights, fair labor practices, and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, BSCI participation strengthens a company's brand and credibility in the global market.

Overview of Shijiazhuang AOFIT Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

Enterprise Introduction

As of 2024, AOFIT has over 400 employees dispersed throughout four global branches, including locations in the United States and Spain. Our expansive operations span over 15,000 square meters of office and factory space, all outfitted with cutting-edge equipment to assure the highest production standards. AOFIT's global reach extends to over 100 nations, and its presence is felt all over the world.

Quality Certifications

AOFIT products are certified by renowned agencies such as CE, FDA, SGS, EC-REP, and ISO13485, demonstrating our unwavering dedication to excellence. These certifications demonstrate our commitment to providing professional-grade braces and supports that are reliable and safe for our customers.

BSCI Factory Audit Process

The BSCI factory audit process includes a thorough examination of all aspects of a supplier's operations, such as worker rights, occupational health and safety, and environmental management. Trained auditors conduct on-site inspections and interviews to assess BSCI compliance and identify areas for improvement.

Results of the BSCI Factory Audit

Workers Involvement and Protection

The audit findings show that Shijiazhuang AOFIT Medical Devices Co., Ltd. has a strong commitment to protecting its employees' rights. The company guarantees freedom of association and collective bargaining, providing a healthy and inclusive work environment.

Occupational Health and Safety

Shijiazhuang AOFIT Medical Devices Co., Ltd. promotes its employees' health and safety, as indicated by its compliance with BSCI criteria for the avoidance of discrimination, assault, and harassment. The organization follows strict measures to reduce dangers and create a safe culture.

Protection of the Environment

Shijiazhuang AOFIT Medical Devices Co., Ltd. follows BSCI criteria by using sustainable practices to reduce its environmental footprint. AOFIT invests in eco-friendly technologies and procedures, proving its dedication to ethical business practices and environmental care.

Significance of the Audit Results

The outstanding performance of Shijiazhuang AOFIT Medical Devices Co., Ltd. in the BSCI factory audit demonstrates its commitment to corporate social responsibility. By keeping strong ethical and sustainable practices, the company sets a good example for its industry peers and helps to develop global supply chain sustainability.


Finally, AOFIT's successful completion of the BSCI factory audit demonstrates its dedication to corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices. By emphasizing worker rights, workplace health and safety, and environmental protection, the corporation establishes a standard for ethical behavior in the medical braces sector and beyond.