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Mastering the Art of Proper Bracing When Lifting

Released on Jul. 12, 2023


Mastering proper bracing and breathing techniques is essential for optimizing your weightlifting performance and minimizing the risk of injuries. At AOFIT brand, we understand the importance of providing you with the most relevant and accurate information to help you make an informed decision. In this guide, we will explore the various factors to consider when selecting lifting braces like the back brace for lifting and provide valuable insights to help you find how to brace while lifting. 


The Significance of Proper Bracing

Proper bracing is a fundamental technique that every weightlifter should master. It involves engaging specific muscles to create a solid foundation, stabilize the spine, and enhance overall strength during lifts. By mastering the art of bracing, you can significantly improve your performance, prevent injuries, and maximize gains.


How to Proper Bracing

Step 1: Engage the Core Muscles

Before initiating a lift, focus on engaging your core muscles. This involves contracting the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis. Imagine pulling your belly button in towards your spine to create tension and stability in the core.


Step 2: Maintain a Neutral Spine

Ensure that your spine is in a neutral position throughout the lift. Avoid excessive arching or rounding of the back, as this can lead to injury. Visualize a straight line extending from your head to your tailbone and strive to maintain this alignment.


Step 3: Brace the Abs and Lats

Simultaneously brace your abdominal muscles and your lats (the broad muscles of the back). This combination creates a strong and stable core foundation. Imagine squeezing your abs as if preparing to receive a punch and engage your lats by pulling your shoulder blades down and back.


How to Proper Breathing

Step 1: Diaphragmatic Breathing

Practice diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your belly to expand fully. Fill your lungs with air while keeping your chest relatively still. This breathing technique optimizes oxygen intake and creates intra-abdominal pressure for enhanced stability.


Step 2: Exhale During the Exertion Phase

Exhale forcefully during the exertion phase of the lift. This exhalation helps maintain intra-abdominal pressure and promotes core stability. Time your exhalation with the hardest part of the lift, such as when pushing the weight away or lifting it against gravity.

Practical Tips for Effective Bracing

1. Practice Mindfulness

Developing a mindful approach to bracing is essential. Before each lift, take a moment to focus on your breathing and mentally prepare yourself. Be aware of your body position and ensure proper alignment before initiating the movement.


2. Gradually Increase Load

When learning to brace effectively, start with lighter weights and gradually progress to heavier loads. This approach allows you to focus on perfecting your technique and gradually build strength in the muscles involved in bracing.


3. Incorporate Isometric Exercises

Isometric exercises, which involve static muscle contractions, can be highly beneficial for improving bracing ability. Planks, bird dogs, and dead bugs are excellent exercises to strengthen the core and enhance overall stability.


4. Seek Professional Guidance

If you're new to weightlifting or want to refine your bracing technique, consider seeking guidance from a qualified strength and conditioning coach or personal trainer. They can provide personalized instruction, correct any form errors, and offer tailored exercises to improve your bracing skills.


Why You Need Weight Lifting Braces

Weight lifting braces are essential accessories for individuals who engage in weightlifting or strength training activities. These braces offer crucial support to your joints and muscles, reducing the risk of injuries and improving overall stability during intense workouts. Whether you're a professional athlete, fitness enthusiast, or someone starting their fitness journey, investing in the right weight lifting braces can make a significant difference in your performance and well-being.


Types of Weight Lifting Braces

1. Weight Lifting Wrist Brace

Our wrist wraps are crucial for weightlifters and athletes engaging in activities that put significant strain on the wrists. They provide support to the wrist joint, enhance grip strength, and minimize the risk of wrist injuries. Also, they help your hands remain stable whenever the weight is sufficiently heavy.


Knowing how to wear wrist wraps properly is crucial after deciding you're ready to utilize them. The way they should be worn is the same regardless of the many different brands and sizes available on the market, which we'll examine later.


The appropriate way to wear traditional wrist wraps is quite simple, so here is a quick step-by-step guide:

a. Locate the thumb loop and make sure it is pointing up.

b. Align the loop such that the lengthy piece of fabric rests against the inside of your wrist.

c. To securely attach the wrap, make sure the Velcro portion is facing up.

d. Insert your thumb through the loop and begin around your wrist with the fabric.

e. Ensure that the wrap fits tightly and that the Velcro is secure to its strip.

2. Back Brace For Lifting

Back braces offer crucial support and stability to the spine during weightlifting exercises. They help maintain proper posture, reduce stress on the lower back, and minimize the risk of back injuries. Look for back braces that offer adjustable support, comfort, and sufficient coverage for your specific needs.

Let's talk about bracing with a back brace for lifting. It's the same without one, but rookie lifters sometimes depend too heavily on their belt to produce tension. The most common error is lifters tightening their belt like a corset. Excessive belt tightening will prohibit you from growing and create as much strain as feasible. The main reason why athletes use back brace for lifting is that a well worn belt should be somewhat loose but tight when braced. This enables for the best possible expansion and intra-abdominal pressure. A decent rule of thumb is to be able to fit 1-2 fingers between yourself and your brace.


Mastering the Art of Proper Bracing When LiftingMastering the Art of Proper Bracing When Lifting

Factors to Consider When Choosing Weight Lifting Braces

1. Level of Support

Consider the level of support required based on your individual needs and the intensity of your workouts. Different braces offer varying degrees of support, ranging from mild to maximum. Consult with a healthcare professional or a certified trainer to determine the appropriate level of support for your specific goals.


2. Material and Durability

The material of the weight lifting braces plays a crucial role in their effectiveness and durability. Look for braces made from high-quality materials such as neoprene, nylon, or elastic fabrics that offer excellent durability, flexibility, and moisture-wicking properties. Ensure the braces can withstand regular use and provide long-lasting support.


3. Comfort and Fit

Comfort and fit are essential considerations when choosing weight lifting braces. The braces should fit snugly without restricting movement or causing discomfort. Look for adjustable straps, closures, or sizing options to ensure a personalized fit. Properly fitting braces will enhance your performance and allow you to focus on your workout without distractions.


4. Breathability and Moisture Management

During intense workouts, proper ventilation and moisture management are vital for comfort and hygiene. Opt for weight lifting braces that offer breathability, allowing air circulation to keep your skin dry and comfortable. Moisture-wicking properties will help prevent the buildup of sweat and odor, ensuring a pleasant workout experience.



Mastering the art of proper bracing when lifting weights is a crucial aspect of weightlifting technique and performance. By understanding the key elements of bracing, such as core engagement, breathing techniques, and spinal alignment, and implementing practical tips like mindfulness and gradual progression, you can elevate your lifting abilities to new heights. Remember to seek professional guidance when needed and always prioritize safety during your weightlifting journey. At AOFIT brand, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals by providing valuable insights and guidance on proper bracing techniques.


Choosing the best weight lifting braces is crucial for optimizing your performance, preventing injuries, and ensuring long-term fitness success. By considering factors such as the type of brace, level of support, material, comfort, and fit, you can make an informed decision. Remember to evaluate your specific needs, seek professional advice, and read customer reviews before making your final choice. At AOFIT brand, we are committed to helping you find the perfect weight lifting braces that meet your unique requirements. Start your fitness journey with confidence and elevate your performance to new heights!